lots of t-shirts and some music and other art. check it out

Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Mecha-Labaw" - Design by Humans $10,000 contest 1st place winner - Sep 3rd

Not my pick for winner, but definitely still a sick design. The artist (csj89 from the Philippines) is now $10,000 richer. Lucky him. The design is a modernized, stylized representation of a Carabao (water buffalo) which is the animal used by Filipino farmers to haul their plow and cart. It is considered a national symbol and the artist wanted to pay homage by submitting this design for the DBH $10,000 contest. I think he accomplished his goal. And also won $10,000!

Available at Design by Humans for $18 until 3am EST and $15 any time after that

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